Jewelry is one of those things that is best used in moderation. Like makeup, the proper amount will help you to look more beautiful and more classy. On the other hand, overuse will leave you looking like a clown or hobo. The tips in this article will help you to use jewelry properly.
Only purchase jewelry from well known retailers. If you are looking to purchase gold, silver or platinum make sure that the retailer has a professional set up and that their products come with a guarantee. Do not purchase from unknown vendors who claim that the jewelry they are selling at a discount price is made from real precious metals or gemstones, they are often imported fakes.
When you buy a piece of jewelery, inquire about the jeweler’s insurance policy. Then, you will have peace of mind knowing it can be fixed or replaced if anything happens. You should also think about getting additional insurance in cause of theft or loss.
To clean up a piece of vintage jewelry, use a window cleaner. Spray a small amount of the window cleaner on s soft, lint-free piece of cloth. Gently rub the cloth against the jewelry until it sparkles. Vintage jewelry is often found in poor condition, and using this cleaning method can make it look new.
Cure the green skin of copper jewelry easily. When you wear jewelry that has a copper base you may soon find yourself turning into a martian. The green is caused by the metal oxidizing. Stop it in its tracks by applying clear nail polish to any jewelry surface that will be touching your bare skin.
When buying jewelry, it is important to find out what stone your partner likes best or what your partner’s favorite color is. Many people make the mistake of buying someone their birthstone because they think it is a safe bet. There are many people who simply do not like the color of their birthstone and would prefer not to wear it.
When storing your jewelry, follow any specific advice which is provided by the manufacturer. Different gem stones have different sets of rules for safe storage. Try to keep your pieces of jewelry from touching each other while being stored, since this can lead to scratching each other. If a piece of jewelry has its own box or pouch, use it for better protection of your valuable assets.
When cleaning your gold jewelry, it is important to remember you should never clean it with abrasive chemical cleaners. These products will strip gold of its natural shine and luster. If you need to remove grime from hard-to-reach locations on your gold jewelry, try using a soft-bristled toothbrush, mild soap and warm water for cleaning.
When it comes to taking care of your jewelry be sure to not transfer it between a wide range of temperatures in a short amount of time. This is important so that you do not cause stress fractures in your jewelry. Metals naturally expand with temperature change, however damage can occur if the change happens quickly.
Keep in mind that 10 karat gold is the strongest of all types of gold, but it is also the one that contains the least amount of gold. On the other hand, 24 karat gold is the one that contains the largest amount of gold and it is the weakest.
Whenever using any product which contains bleach, you should never wear your rings or fine jewelry! The chemicals in bleach can cause silver, gold, and other metal alloys to chemically breakdown. Your jewelry will become irreparably damaged. Since there are chlorine (bleach) products in swimming pools and hot tubs, the same rules apply in regards to jewelry removal.
As a jeweler, you should do your best to differentiate yourself from the concurrence. Set up your store in a unique way or create an original website. Create original pieces as well as classics. Choose the strategy that works for you: find your audience and create pieces that correspond to a certain style.
Don’t be afraid to play with different textures in your jewelry designs. Incorporating different types of beads (crystal, pearl, seed beads, glass, plastic, etc) will add a degree of interest to any piece. Adding in alternative materials, like metal rings and even fabric, will help you to create memorable, one-of-a-king jewelry pieces that will be sure to wow.
When you are trying to buy jewelry for your girlfriend, get her best friend’s opinion first. It is pretty likely that your girlfriend and her best friend share fashion tips and go shopping together. Her best friend will probably know what styles of jewelry will appeal to your girlfriend, so run your selection past her first. But, make sure if you’re trying to make your gift a surprise, that you swear the girlfriend to secrecy!
Use broken jewelry as well as odds and ends jewelry pieces to glue onto a picture frame to hold a special photo. A clear silicone is all that is needed to create a dazzling frame just perfect for a wedding photo or use old costume jewelry from the right era to surround a photo of a favorite grandmother. Jewelry-covered frames make gorgeous gifts too!
It is not easy to find truly flawless sapphires and rubies, which historically has made these stones quite expensive, particularly in the lighter shades, which makes the flaws easier to see. Fortunately, modern technology has made it possible to produce artificial stones that are identical in every way except for the flaws, and are much cheaper. Jewelry made from these stones is just as beautiful.
Jadeite is a popular stone for jewelry because it is tough and durable and comes in a very wide range of colors, from the classical apple green to a pure white, deep yellow, fiery orange, deep purple, and everything in between. It is frequently carved into bracelets or very ornate pendants, or insets.
Don’t overthink the jewelry that you use. It is a great accent piece and the tricks and advice that you read about here, should go a long way to helping you in using it properly. You will begin to be the envy of all of your friends, as you walk out the door, looking classy.