March15 , 2025

If You Own A Cat You Should Check This Out!


Need Help Caring For Your Cat? Check Out These Tips Today!

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Few animals give a pet owner more satisfaction than the feline. They are smart, funny and have a level of arrogance to compete with some of the most conceded humans there are! Most of all though, cats need love and attention. The following article offers tips on caring for your feline friend.

Watch the amount of treats that you give your cat. Like humans, cats can easily overeat junk food. This can cause them to gain weight and may lead to some health problems like heart issues and diabetes. If you do give your cat treats, give them a small amount and make it a special thing instead of a regular routine.

Make a free toy for your cat by placing a little dry rice or a few dry beans inside an empty pill bottle. Close the lid and roll the rattly toy across the floor. Most cats can’t resist the sound and motion. You can also tie a length of twine around the neck of the bottle to make a pull toy or a dangly toy.

Dog products shouldn’t be used on cats. It is possible that a dog’s product could cause a serious adverse effect on a cat. Flea products are a prime example. Products used for flea prevention in dogs can be very harmful to your cat. If you own a dog, and they’ve been given a flea treatment, you should separate them from your cat for a few hours.

If your cat is misbehaving, you can influence its behavior in a safe and humane way by using water. Fill a small squirt gun or a spray water bottle with plain water. Give your cat a few light squirts of water when you catch it misbehaving and it will soon learn to stop doing the unwanted behavior.

An outdoor cat must always wear a tag on its collar. The collar and tag will make it easier to find the cat if it gets lost. Be sure the name of your cat and your number can be found on the tag.

Avoid eye contact to make friends with a cat. Ever wonder why cats seem drawn to the person who likes cats the least? The answer lies in cat body language. To cats, staring is “rude” and can be considered a challenge. Looking away shows that you respect their space and are not going to be a threat. So next time you are looking to meet a new feline friend, look away and let them approach you.

Get a scratching post to keep your cat from tearing up your carpet. If you can, get a post that does not have the same type of carpet that is on the floor of your home, so your cat doesn’t associate the two. Instead, get a post that is covered in cardboard, sisal, or thick rope.

Make a tablecloth for your cats. Cats like to make a mess when they eat. This means food spillage that you will have to clean later. There are two ways to do this. You can either put a placemat under the food bowl or use some stray fabric that you have lying around. Either way, you can easily get rid of debris by dumping them in the garbage.

Who says only dogs can do tricks? Cats are very intelligent and have the ability to learn as well, especially as young kittens. Some people train their cats to play fetch just like dogs do. There are even people who have successfully trained their cat to use a regular toilet, instead of a litter box.

If your cat has a scratching post that is beginning to look worn, don’t get rid of it. Cats prefer used scratching posts. If you throw it away too soon, that cat may look to your furniture for some clawing while it slowly breaks in a new scratching post.

If your cat bothers your Christmas tree or other plants, try beating him at his own game. Make his favorite chewing and climbing areas unattractive to him by placing the peelings of oranges, lemons or grapefruit around the places you wish for him to avoid. Cats hate citrus, and this is a natural way to keep them from getting into trouble.

If you’ve just met a cat, don’t look at them in their eyes. Cats do not like being stared at by people they don’t know. That’s why they are more comfortable if you are not looking at them. They are more likely to approach you that way, and more likely to kindly regard you in the future.

If your cat is not getting trained to use the litter box as fast as you would like, there are sprays available that can make things a bit easier. These sprays have a scent that will attract your cat to the box, which means they will be more likely to go there when they need to use the bathroom.

Do you offer your cats inexpensive food, thinking that it will last longer, and you get more for your money? The truth is, cheaper foods usually lack the proper nutrients and protein cats need in order to stay healthy. Instead, they contain fillers, such as corn, to bulk up the food. Cats need to eat more of cheaper foods, but will require less of a protein-rich food that will keep him healthier in the long run.

Cats have a certain way about them which really can’t be described with words. To own one though, surely is to love one! Hopefully this article has helped you in your quest to learn more about cats and taking care of them. They are amazing companions and you should enjoy yours for many years to come.
